
It’s time for Tuesday Tips and Tidbits!  In honor of my love of soup, I wanted to share a little something I wrote and some delicious recipes below 🙂  Happy soup eating! Stay tuned on Thursday for a delicious, creamy, and flavorful soup! Creamy Onion Soup Avgolemono (Greek Egg and Lemon Soup) Roasted and Stewed […]

Baking Soda Pancakes

I have been making my pancakes with more baking powder than baking soda for years.  A few months ago, my family wanted pancakes and I realized I only had a small amount of baking powder.  I decided to use mostly baking soda and just the small amount of baking powder I had, to help activate […]

Tiropita (Greek Cheese and Egg Pita)

Our Thanksgiving and other holidays always include tiropita (cheese and egg pita) and spanakopita (spinach and feta pita).  Being a Greek immigrant, my mother was not familiar with Thanksgiving, but did a great job of learning the dishes and making them incredible.  She made my dad all the traditional fare he was used to, but […]

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